Waves For Change Youth Day Surfabout

Pics from the Waves For Change Youth Day Surfabout – Muizenberg Beach
On the 16th June – Waves for Change held it’s inaugural ‘Surf About’ – a chance to bring together Cape Townian surfers with members of the project.
20 coaches and young leaders from the Waves for Change project came down to the ‘Berg where we were greeted by friends and trustees from the Waves for Change programme, as well as members of the wider Cape Town surfing community.
It was a great morning with highlights including:
- Board-gifting with Rory of the Share the Stoke Foundation South Africa, who arrived with newly rennovated quads and fishes for the Masi and Khayelitsha programmes.
- Yoga with Hanli Prinsloo – longtime friend of W4C, champion freediver and founder of the I Am Water Conservation Trust
- A quick surf / lifeskills session
- Some 4-wheeled pavement bashing………and plenty of waves ridden.
It was also a great day for the newly qualified W4C coaches to show their skills. W4C has been working closely with Surfing South Africa and the ISA to bring accredited surf coaching skils to communities where previously none existed. Bongani, Apish and Monwabisi all recently became the first internationally accredited coaches from their respective communities. In June, 4 more coaches will aim to complete their training. Our huge thanks to our partners at SSA and ISA, and to UK Sport for making this all possible.
The next surf about will be held towards theĀ end of July.
If you’re interested in getting involved and meeting the crew, come join us! More information will be on the Facebook page, and here on the site.
*thanks to Pierre Marqua for the pics.