Spread the word
Share “Therapy is now in Session” far and wide! WhatsApp surf groups, social media or your mom’s cold dip club – help us raise support for the healing power of #SurfTherapy.

Together, we can raise R600,000 for Surf Therapy
Feel free to use any of the words and images below to get your community involved.

Social Copy
Grab any of these lines, or make them your own.
- Be the ripple that starts the wave.
- Donate to change the life of a child.
- Waves for Change uses evidence-based Surf Therapy to build social connections, provide a safe respite from daily challenges and develop skills to cope with stress.
- Every donation starts a wave of hope.
- Donate to get a kid on a board.
- Therapy is now in Session.

Calls to Action
When sending your followers to the website, we’d love it if you’d use these calls-to-action…
- Donate Now
- Sponsor a Session
Here are the correct links…
Donations: waves-for-change.org/donate
More information: waves-for-change.org
Campaign Identity
Download these images to use in your posts or messages to friends.
Campaign Stories
Everyone loves a good Instagram or Facebook story!
Social Posts
Grab and go! These social post images are ready for you to share far and wide.

Therapy is now in Session “Pop-up”

Therapy is now in Session “Stoked”

Therapy is now in Session “Leash Help”

Therapy is now in Session “Playtime”

Therapy is now in Session “Laughter”

Therapy is now in Session “Surfing”

Therapy is now in Session “#SurfTherapy”

Start a Groundswell

Therapy is now in Session “Immersion”

Want Stickers?
We have two types of free stickers for you! Show off our SnapScan QR code to help us raise funds, or just spread the word that “Therapy is now in Session”. Email us to order your stickers.