One small step for data protection, one giant leap for Waves for Change

It brings us great pleasure to announce the awarding of the POPIA Ready Seal/Badge to Waves for Change from Michalson’s: Practical Legal Solutions on the 12th of January 2022. Our efforts to ensure the correct safety, security, accuracy and integrity of all personal information we engage with, in line with the Protection of Personal Information Act, Act No. 4 of 2013((, has been of immense importance for implementation and ongoing monitoring.
In order to secure the POPIA Ready Seal/Badge, we, as an NPO, had to ensure that the following prerequisites were met:
- Sign up for membership with the Michalson’s Data Protection Programme
- Ensure that a Section 51 Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) is readily accessible via our website and is up-to-date
- Ensure that a Privacy Policy is readily accessible via our website and is up-to-date
- Ensure that an Information Officer is appointed and registered with the Information Regulator (registration number to be provided for verification)
- Ensure that the appointed and registered Information Officer has completed training and assessment for information officers
- Determine whether prior authorisation(( is required from the Information Regulator. In the case of Waves for Change, no prior authorisation was required nor was an application necessary in the first place
- Determine whether data protection software((e.g., is required for usage within the organisation
- The key modules, in Michalson’s opinion, that are relevant to the organisation from the data protection programme must have been completed. At a minimum, the organisation must have worked through the quick wins and actions to take first module and implemented those actions relevant to them
For more information and insight into securing both membership for their Data Protection Programme and a POPIA Ready Seal/Badge for your organisation/company/programme, especially for data protection and data privacy compliance, we highly recommend visiting and contacting Michalson’s: Practical Legal Solutions (see As a credible law firm, they provide incredible legal support and service along with invaluable resources and tools to any and all who seek it.